Penn Nursing is known globally as a powerhouse, driving contributions that impact health care and the future of nursing science. We are leaders in the field—because overcoming challenges is foundational to our School’s mission and values.

Learn from the best, be the best


Penn Nursing faculty and students are world-renowned for interdisciplinary and nursing research. They advance science and deliver solutions that influence every aspect of health and health care.

Dive into Research


The innovation ecosystem our School has built propels scholarly research aimed at clarifying our understanding of health and wellness and prompting positive, forward-thinking change to policy and practice.

Experience Innovation


It influences how nurses operate at the bedside, in the community, and everywhere they practice—leading to better outcomes for patients and community members.

Get into Practice

Global Health

Penn Nursing expertise propels fuels health breakthroughs that touch every corner of the world, including right here in our backyard, where thoughtful and sustained community engagement and partnerships thrive.

Explore Global Health

Community Engagement

Our community, in turn, helps us truly understand what we seek to learn in the classroom, lab, and clinical setting—Penn Nursing expertise is an ever-changing body of knowledge and skill, transformed by those we serve and transforming the world around us.

Learn about Community Engagement