Lauren Welch

Country/ies of focus

All PIH global sites

Host Organization(s)

Partners in Health Global Nurse Executive Fellowship (PIH GNEF)

Faculty Mentor

Alison Ercole, MSN, BA, CRNP, PMHNP-BC

Fellowship Start/End Date

May 2022 - November 2022

Penn Nursing Degrees/years

Nu’16; GNu’22

Why were you interested in the Penn Global Nursing Fellowship opportunity?

I had previously worked in Global Public Health and was interested in returning to the work and was grateful for the opportunity to do so through a Global Nursing Fellowship.

How were your background and skills the right match for the needs of your host organization?

I had five years’ experience in project management and monitoring and evaluation, while living and working in Rwanda.

How did your Fellowship experience meet, exceed, and/or fall short of your expectations?

It was wonderful to work with Partners in Health – I respect the mission and organization immensely. Unfortunately, my expectations were not met around communication and flexibility while I finished my coursework.

Do you feel you made an impact on the work of your host organization and, if yes, how?

I hope so. I met individually with fellows from all participating countries and feel as though I offered constructive feedback on monitoring and evaluating their projects.

Did you experience any personal and/or professional gains from this experience?

Yes, it was valuable – and challenging - to work with a team in numerous geographic locations, mostly on Zoom.

Do you have a favorite memory you would like to share?

It was wonderful to talk to each fellow on the phone while in their home clinics. I am sorry to miss the in-person week in Rwanda at the end of January.

Is there an accomplishment that brought you particular pride?

Providing M&E support to the fellows.