Board of Directors

The HUP Alumni Association is led by a group of dedicated alumni volunteers.

2020-2022 Leadership

Linda Knox, HUP’74, President
Elaine Dreisbaugh, HUP’60, Immediate Past President
Julia Tierney Davis, HUP’73, Secretary/Treasurer

Directors 2021-2023

Barbara Gohn Callazzo HUP’63

Margaret Moffett Iacobacci HUP’78

Patricia Walter Marcozzi HUP’61

Directors 2022-2024

Beverly Barton Emonds HUP’68

Catherine Rash-Hill HUP’76

Mary Wilby HUP’78

Committee Chairs

Archives - Susan Sharkey McKelvey HUP’73 
Bylaws - Vacant
Emergency Assistance - Margaret Moffett Iacobacci HUP’78
Finance - Julia Tierney Davis HUP’73
Membership - Barbara Gohn Callazzo HUP’63
Scholarship - Vacant
Newsletter - Julia Tierney Davis HUP’73 and Patricia Walter Marcozzi ’HUP61
Nominations - Susan Sharkey McKelvey HUP’73
Office - Julia Tierney Davis HUP’73
Philanthropy - Linda Susan Knox HUP’74
Remembrances - Susan Sharkey McKelvey HUP’73
Reunion- Patricia Walter Marcozzi HUP’61
Social - Mary Wilby HUP’78
Webpage- Beverly Edmonds G’62


Additional volunteers are welcome! If you are interested in serving on the Board in any capacity, please contact the HUP Alumni Association President at

2019 HUP Alumni Association Bylaws