Training page

The web is a platform for communication. But simply putting words on a page does not guarantee anyone will read or act on them.


Be Succinct

Keep word counts low, especially on top-level pages that should guide visitors instead of convey detailed information.

Most informational pages should be no longer than 300 to 500 words. Top-level pages and section landing pages should aim for 100 to 250 words.






Use text formatting

Short paragraphs, bulleted lists, and call-out boxes. People scan, visual cues draw attention and stand out.

“Overuse white space” is a good rule of thumb for web writing. Short paragraphs and frequent headings give page visitors more room to read and help them skim to quickly determine what information matches their needs.

Make your big words count

Long blocks of text are difficult to read, especially for people viewing the site from their phone.

The large-type opening sentence or paragraph might be the only thing a page visitor reads, is it doing enough for you? Page intros can highlight a key bit of information or something to pique your readers’ interest for further exploration. On some pages, humor or a clever phrase is the perfect entry point. On others, clear, straight-to-the-point language is better.